Category: Uncategorized

November 25th Session – Agenda and presentations

November 25th Session – Agenda and presentations

AGENDA 10.00-10.05 h Presentación de la jornada. David Pagès (DINT) 10.05-10.15 h Inauguración oficial de la jornada. Mercè Salvat (Directora Gral. Protecció Civil) 10.15-10.35 h Presentación del proyecto. Eduard Plana (CTFC) 10.35-10.50 h Detección de necesidades de protección civil para la gestión de emergencias. Núria Gasulla (DINT) 10.50-11.00 h Descanso 11.00-11.20 h Impactos previstos del […]

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November 23th Session – Agenda and presentations

November 23th Session – Agenda and presentations

AGENDA 10.00‐10.05 h Presentació de la jornada. David Pagès (DINT) 10.05‐10.15 h Inauguració oficial de la jornada. Sergio Delgado (DINT) 10.15‐10.35 h Presentació del projecte. Eduard Plana (CTFC) 10.35‐10.50 h Detecció de necessitats per a la gestió d’emergències. Núria Gasulla (DINT) 10.50‐11.00 h Descans 11.00‐11.20 h Impactes previstos del canvi climàtic a la gestió d’emergències. […]

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Material of the RECIPE final workshop

Material of the RECIPE final workshop

AGENDA 3rd RECIPE workshop: Climate change impacts on natural hazards: Findings, tools and lessons learned about how to reinforce the civil protectionWednesday October 20, 2021. 10:00-13:30h CET 10:00-10:10 Official opening. Francisco Rego, Full Professor atInstituto Superior de Agronomia (ISA)/University of Lisbon 10:10-10:15 Presentation of Workshop objectives and functioning. Conceição Colaço, ISA Session I: Climate change […]

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Webinar – agenda and presentations

Webinar – agenda and presentations

Minutes of the RECIPE 2nd workshop webinar Agenda Wednesday, November 11th 2020 9:00-13:30 (CET) RECIPE Webinar on Climate change impacts in natural risk management and civil protection: an operational perspective on new challenges 8:30-9:00 Arrival: Log-in and technical preparation   9:00-9:10 Introduction session Welcome, program & technical rules. Carolin Maier. FVA   9:10-9:25 The RECIPE […]

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Conclusions of Session: Best cases, methodologies and tools towards integrated prevention-preparedness-response approaches into DRR strategies

Conclusions of Session: Best cases, methodologies and tools towards integrated prevention-preparedness-response approaches into DRR strategies

The first day focused on best cases, methodologies and tools towards integrated risk management approaches. Experts presented the practical application of state-of-the-art tools used in disaster risk prevention. Presentations can be found here. A quick introduction of the Swiss tool RiskPlan was given by Jakob Hörl (FVA, Germany) and showed the wide ranging application in […]

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Conclusions of Session: Presentation of RECIPE operational tools (task 4.3)

Conclusions of Session: Presentation of RECIPE operational tools (task 4.3)

Each partner presented the outline of their planned operational tool to be developed within the project. Focussing on the hazard process of each partner’s expertise, the range of topics was highly diverse. Common to all presented case-studies was the close collaboration with and involvement of respective end-users and emergency services from the beginning. This ensures […]

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Conclusions of Session: Preliminary identification of factors and attributes influencing risk including potential risks interactions

Conclusions of Session: Preliminary identification of factors and attributes influencing risk including potential risks interactions

The hazard characterization exercise conducted for each hazard process revealed that despite the apparent simplicity of that task, it is actually not that easy to come up with a universal or common characterization for each hazard. Insights are that each hazard process is highly situative and is determined by a range of factors and components. […]

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Conclusions of Session: Introduction to risk and crisis management: terminology and common understanding of risk components and the crisis management cycle

Conclusions of Session: Introduction to risk and crisis management: terminology and common understanding of risk components and the crisis management cycle

An introduction to general concepts of risk and crisis management opened the 1st workshop. The goal was to clarify the used terminology and concepts within the RECIPE project and to generate a common understanding of risk dimensions and introduce the crisis management cycle. The key aspects of risk management were demonstrated in an entertaining presentation […]

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1st workshop – a common understanding of risk: agenda, list of participants and presentations

1st workshop – a common understanding of risk: agenda, list of participants and presentations

Minutes of the 1st RECIPE workshop Agenda Thursday, February 20th 2020 1st RECIPE technical workshop 10:30-11:00 Welcome Coffee break 11:00-11:15 Welcome –Sergio Delgado, Sub-director of Coordination and Emergency Management. DGPC-CAT; and Eduard Plana, project coordinator. CTFC 11:15-11:30 Presentation of the 1st RECIPE technical workshop – CTFC and FVA 11:30-13:00 Introduction to risk and crisis management: […]

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RECIPE Kick-off meeting: Agenda

RECIPE Kick-off meeting: Agenda

Agenda Thursday, February 20th 2020 1st RECIPE technical workshop 10:30-11:00 Welcome Coffee break 11:00-11:15 Welcome –Sergio Delgado, Sub-director of Coordination and Emergency Management. DGPC-CAT; and Eduard Plana, project coordinator. CTFC 11:15-11:30 Presentation of the 1st RECIPE technical workshop – CTFC and FVA 11:30-13:00 Introduction to risk and crisis management: terminology and common understanding of risk […]

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European Union Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid
Forest Science and Technology Centre of Catalonia
Pau Costa Foundation
General Directorate of Civil Protection, Government of Catalonia
Forest Research Institute of Baden-Wuerttemberg
CIMA Research Foundation
Austrian Research Centre for Forest, Natural Hazards and Landscape
Institute of Cartography and Geology of Catalonia
Instituto Superior de Agronomia

Project Coordination Office

CTFC - Forest Policy and Risk Governance
Office: (+34) 973 481 752
Extension: 312